Fall Maintenance Deck Tips - Monumental Decks and Windows

Fall Maintenance Deck Tips

A lovely deck is every homeowner’s dream. Unfortunately, many homeowners overlook this important aspect of home maintenance in the Fall season. But your deck desperately needs some love and attention after a long summer of pool parties and barbeques.

If you want your deck to look beautiful all year round, ensure you take care of it throughout the year.

Here are some fall deck maintenance ideas for keeping your deck looking spic and span:

Routine Fall Deck Maintenance in Fall

When the weather cools, you may spend less time on your deck. But make sure you follow routine deck maintenance practices, such as:

Clean your deck thoroughly. Remove any dirt, leaves, or debris to prevent the growth of mildew and mold growth. Regular cleaning of your deck also prevents long-term damage. Hiring a professional deck maintenance service to clean your deck at least once a year is brilliant.

Check your deck for decay and damage to get it fixed before the winter season approaches. Check for any damage that jeopardizes the structural integrity of your deck. For example, loose boards, shaky footings, and rusted nails.

Reseal your deck to remove UV rays, moisture, and other elements.

In addition, here are some more fall deck maintenance tips.

Take Care of Overhanging Branches

Although surrounding trees give shade to your deck, falling branches can cause harm your kids, pets, or children. Large branches can fall due to precipitation and strong winds, causing substantial damage to your deck. Be mindful of any large branches hanging over your deck, and remove them during the fall and winter months.

Use a Broom

Remember that your deck differs from your lawn area when removing leaves from your balcony. Using a rake on your patio can leave ugly scars and cause irreversible damage to the boards. Instead, use a push broom to remove leaves.

Waterproof Your Wood Deck

Homeowners with a wood deck must seal their deck regularly to avoid any damage due to moisture. You can detect if your wood deck needs resealing by inspecting how water interacts with the surface of your deck. Water forms little droplets on a well-sealed deck, but if the wood appears to be absorbing water, another coat of waterproof sealer can help protect the wood deck from water damage.

Wash Your Composite/Vinyl Deck

Composite and vinyl and decks do not require sealing to be waterproof. However, you should clean it at least once a year to keep it looking fantastic. Since you are unlikely to plan any poolside celebrations or BBQs in the fall season, it is the ideal time to perform routine maintenance. That will also cover any grime, grease, or oil from summer barbecues. Hose off your composite or vinyl deck using a sponge and soapy water.

Final Thoughts

Proper deck upkeep is essential for keeping your deck looking lovely throughout the fall and winter. Remember to follow these fall deck maintenance tips. However, if you discover your deck is in bad shape, contact Built by Monumental today to upgrade or repair your deck for the Fall season.

Monumental Decks and Windows
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